ScopServ X Obkio

Monitor your network performance!

Have you ever been dissatisfied with your network performance or received complaints about it? “Slow” or “interrupted” services, network issues are manageable, but too often energy-consuming for IT administrators and source of customer frustration.

How to anticipate and reduce connectivity issues?

At Scopserv, in order to allow our customers monitoring their network performance between their offices and our data centers, we installed an Obkio Public Agent. This agent is now available to all our customers and can be easily configured.
Our partner Obkio’s solution consists of deploying agents, physical or software, at strategic locations in the network such as data centers, remote sites, external clients, or even public or private clouds.

How it works ?

The application includes a dashboard that allows users to have real-time access to the health status of network performance. It provides visibility quickly to the analyzed data and allows for in-depth exploration of the live performance charts and updated every 500ms. As the application is also available in a mobile version, you can access the tool no matter where you are when an incident occurs. It is also possible to set the thresholds responsible for triggering alarms and notifications. These allow users to be warned at the very moment when the degradation of the service begins, without necessarily being completely interrupted. As the tool keeps a history of performance and incidents, it allows diagnoses even after the resolution of an incident.




This tool makes it easier for you to determine if a problem is caused by the network and if so, whether it is on the customer’s LAN or on the network of their service provider. When the problem is on the service provider side, in many cases, it opens a ticket and clears the first levels of escalation: the problem is recognized and resolved faster. This saves you precious time during diagnostics and avoids going back and forth to find the person responsible for the problem.