Posts by Lucy Farineau

Adapting call centers to the health crisis

Call centers are generally involved in receiving incoming calls (sales, service, support, etc.), but can also conduct various outgoing call campaigns (telemarketing, reactivation of customers, surveys, collections, etc.). In either case, they bring in the expertise of a trained and equipped team to achieve the objectives assigned to them, both in terms of the volumes […]

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ScopServ X Obkio

Monitor your network performance! Have you ever been dissatisfied with your network performance or received complaints about it? “Slow” or “interrupted” services, network issues are manageable, but too often energy-consuming for IT administrators and source of customer frustration. How to anticipate and reduce connectivity issues? At Scopserv, in order to allow our customers monitoring their […]

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How to choose the right multi-tenant IPBX solution?

Many IPBX managers have intuitive web interfaces developed on the technology of an open standard environment to extend their functionality. However, to compete with proprietary software, it is not enough that the solutions are free and open, they must also be at least as efficient as their competitors. Competition   in   the   telecommunications   industry   often neglects […]

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