SCOPCOMM products

BETA/Release Candidate Disclaimer (Release Candidate forthwith referred to as RC)

Caution! The nature of Beta/RC software is that it is experimental, still under development and not yet ready for release to the general public. Therefore, ScopServ Telephony, Realtime Monitor and any other Beta/RC software provided by ScopServ or any part thereof (“Software”) are likely to contain bugs and may be unstable.

ScopServ offers Beta/RC testing to customers interested in new ScopServ software, its features, and modules. If a customer uses a product during Beta/RC testing, the customer is asked to provide feedback to ScopServ and assumes all risks associated with the Beta/RC software. We advise all Beta/RC users to use extreme care when Beta/RC testing any ScopServ software. It is therefore up to them to take the necessary precautions against any possible damages resulting from any Beta/RC testing. Software in Beta/RC testing should not be used on sensitive and/or valuable data and especially not in any production environment.

Beta/RC Software Tester Agreement: Tester acknowledges and agrees that ScopServ offers software .as is. without warranty of any kind. ScopServ shall have no obligation to maintain, correct, update, change, modify or otherwise support the software in Beta/RC testing. ScopServ may discontinue providing service to the software at any time. ScopServ makes no guarantee or commitment as to the success of the software.

Beta/RC testing is at the entire risk of the customer, not ScopServ. Should the software prove defective the customer assumes the costs of all necessary corrections, repairs and damages. ScopServ shall not be liable for any lost revenue, lost profits, or other incidental or consequential damages even if advised of the possibility of such damages by reason of any performance or non-performance under this agreement. Furthermore, ScopServ shall not be liable for any delays, losses or other damages which may result from the furnishing or canceling of any ScopServ software, features, and/or modules.

ScopServ owns all proprietary rights in the Software and all ScopServ software and any part thereof. You agree that you will not translate, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, modify, copy, alter, merge into other software, reproduce, rent, lease, lend, distribute, remarket or otherwise dispose of the Software or any part thereof.

ScopServ may choose to release additional versions of the Software, please make sure to download the latest version upon notification from ScopServ of such new release availability.

By downloading BETA/RC versions available below you AGREE to this BETA/RC DISCLAIMER. You will then be able to install the BETA/RC software to be tested.

BETA/RC Product Download

BETA/RC Software: Test Software Name

WebRTC Windows Build
WebRTC Mac Build
Desktop Windows Build
Desktop Mac Build